
Monday, August 2, 2010

Fill in the Blank [Monday]!

Fill in the Blank Friday is being brought to you on Monday this week! (from here)

1. The last thing I do before going to sleep is take a sip of water. I only seem to remember how much water I'm supposed to be getting each day late at night.

2. When I can't sleep I turn on the TV. Or read. Or write.

3. The first thing
I do when I wake up is try to remember what day it is.

4. When I'm tired I'm usually pretty loopy, thinking everything is hilari

5. My dream bedroom would be
complete with a really large window, good sound system, lots of pretty pictures (both artistic and of my favorite people,) with a really comfy chair or couch or chaise in a well-lit corner and an entire wall of books (which I want to start organizing by cover color.) My bed would also have a really fluffy, comfy duvet. And my tempur-pedic pillow.

A few bedroom inspiration photos:from herefrom herefrom herefrom herefrom herefrom here

What would your dream bedroom look like?

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