
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Song Saturday - Moving Day!

I've been slowly packing up my room and moving for a few days now, so here are two "moving" related songs for your Song Saturday!

I have brought a couple car loads full of things to the house I'm moving into already, but today my mom is bringing up a trusty pick-up so all of my larger pieces of furniture can make the trek to their new home. While I know it's time to move again (not only is my lease up, but there isn't a reason for me to be so close to campus anymore and, subsequently, pay the price for being so close), it feels much different this time. I usually move every 3-4 months, but I have lived in the same place for an entire year! (Insert big claps for Janae because this is a milestone, people.) It was the first full-year lease I'd ever signed. It was my home long enough for me to paint two walls a dapper shade of mossy green and to put up pictures and shelves and a whole heck of a lot of those 3M hooks to hang things on. I've accumulated things instead of going through a purging session every couple months and getting rid of things. I've invested in suits. Like "I'm going to wear this to a job interview" style suits, not swimsuits. Although come to think of it, I did buy one of those, too. My trusty red suitcase has been hanging out on a top shelf, way out of reach, for months because it's oh-so-handy handle that let's you roll it has been stuck in it's upright position since at least November and that out-of-the-way shelf is the only place that could accommodate such a large suitcase with an erect handle. The dresser that took my good guy friend Alex and I an entire afternoon to realize that we had no idea how to put together has been safely standing and used for months and months. (My mom and I took a crack at it a couple weeks after Alex and I decided it was a lost cause and somehow made it stand and hold things.)

It's interesting that you can graduate and feel like nothing's really changed all the much, but then comes September and you are officially done with the job you've had for 3 years (I've been filling in this last week) and it's time to move and some other random college senior will probably be taking over your room, marveling at the fresh white walls and the fact that it has a bathroom connected to it. (Yes, I've been living in luxury. A room to myself with a bathroom attached. I realize how uncommon that is for a poor college student.) But it is time to move on and get ready for the next adventure and continue putting in job applications and going on interviews and baking when you're scared. At least now I'll have 3 boys to eat all of those delicious treats.

Oh, I didn't mention the part about me moving in with 3 boys?

This is going to be fun.

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