
Saturday, February 20, 2010

wishful thinking.

Such a good song, and this is a great cover. Originally seen here.

Last night my friend Sarah and I ordered enough Chinese for a large family and devoured quite a bit of it, along with Special K bars/Scotcharoos (the name all depends on where you're from) that I had made because of a craving I had for them earlier this week.

I've been a busy bee lately, hence shorter posts and lots of good music instead of text. I've definitely overloaded myself this semester (who? me...nahhh) which my friends all warned me about, but I told them I could handle it. Each day I seem to agree to do something extra, when I really should learn to say something along the lines of "I just really can't fit that into my schedule, but I support you doing it!"

I guess I am that person who overloads herself to a point of no return, but the thing is, I've always been able to work myself out of it. King of Wishful Thinking? Nah. Queen of Wishful Thinking is more like it.

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