
Friday, July 16, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

I saw this on this blog and thought, "I could do that!" So here we are, Fill in the Blank Friday. Feel free to put your own answers in the comments or on your blog if you have one!

1. A very nostalgic place that reminds me of being a kid is , believe it or not, the Mall of America. We used to travel to the cities at least once a year to visit my mom's sister (and kids) and we would always get to go to the MOA to go shopping!

2. If someone really wants to show me how much they love me they should A. come hang out with me, B. write me a letter (I can't even explain how happy I get when I get mail...or blog comments!) and C. ICE CREAM. Really, they should genuinely want to spend time with me and actually listen to what I'm saying. (I get quite impatient when I have to repeat myself multiple times.)

3. Lately I've been wondering a lot about where I'll be come September.

4. When it comes to saving money I am trying extra hard to stick to a budget. It's a work in progress.

5. I'd prefer face time over Facebook any day!

6. I wish I knew how to make so many things! That is why I'm currently taking the Red Velvet Art summer camp online class and have signed up to Journal for a Cause! (More on that last one soon!)

7. I'm just waiting for my 9-day August vacation! I need a little getaway.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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