
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh hey, 2011, didn't see you there.

As you may have noticed, I've taken a little rest from blogging these past few weeks. There were so many things going on everywhere, and honestly, I was so excited to be at home or in Hawaii (yes! a big Christmas present was a trip to Hawaii) and with friends and family or even just alone for a bit that I just wasn't quite in the place to share.

I've been feeling a bit lackluster lately and know that there are ways I can start feeling better, writing better, and being a better friend. I've just also been learning that a lot of these things include spending more time offline, unplugged, etc.

Honestly, 2010 was a fantastic, infuriating, rough, exciting, challenging, happy, stressful year. I had Chinese food for my 22nd birthday, spent most mornings writing at 4:00am, interned at a fantastic youth serving nonprofit, planned and executed a community service trip with 4 other inspiring people, wrote things my teacher would read out proudly in class, wrote things my teacher would pass back unhappily, spent a lot of time at a theatre, lived with six different people (4 boys, 2 girls), graduated from college, spent one of the most relaxing weekends of my life at my friends grandparents' cabin, crafted, started reviewing books, started hoarding used books, went on weekly adventures, rarely shopped for clothing, started distinguishing the difference between "he likes you" and "he's hanging around you because you're fun to hang around," added somewhere around 8 new rings to my collection, threw in hats "just for fun," went on a cruise, was unemployed, became extremely discouraged by how long it took to not be unemployed, became employed, said goodbye.

Happy 1/11/11. If you ever said that you wanted to do something "one day," I think today is it.

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