
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello again.

I’ve realized 2013 was not the best year. As with everything, it's not just one thing. A few include living out of boxes for five months, working nonstop but not feeling satisfied, crafting a lot of plans with people who would eventually back out and, truly, overall, doing far too much planning and far too little making.

That is what I want to focus on this year. Making. 

Making a difference.

Making a cake.

Making a conscious effort to take the stairs. 

Making lunch for work.

Making art.

Making new friends.

Making travel memories.

Making an effort to love people. We have a huge responsibility to love people. To give them our gifts or talents or simply time. Not just to show up, but to be present and aware. I want to focus on this.

So, here’s to making a fantastic 2014! (And yes, you can expect me to start making an effort to be in this space again. I've missed it.)

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I love you. You are a beautuful person Janae Olinger and I believe you'll do all those things!


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